Bet you didn’t know that I’ve been a member of an online writing critique group since February 2017. I’m one of ten members who write for readers under age 18. Hosted by the American Christian Fiction Writers, we submit chapters to each other for review each week.
It’s a glorious process that has held me accountable to God, the group and myself. They’ve pushed me to greater writing excellence, encouraging me to remember for whom and why I’m really sitting behind this computer screen most of the day. Their conversations humble and honor me—their grace keeps me at the keyboard.
We work so well together that we decided to create a joint website. I’m thrilled to announce that Storyteller Squad launched Monday, September 24. Victoria Kimble, author of the Choir Girl series, posted the first blog.
The website features twice-weekly blogs that will give you a peek into our writing lives. We’ll also touch on Christ-centered topics to help you maintain your faith in this challenging world. Check the homepage often for announcements of upcoming book launches, book sales, signings and speaking engagements. You never know, one of our writers may be in your area soon.
Featured in the photo are: (top) Gretchen Carlson; (second row, l-r): Julane Fisher, Taylor Bennett and Victoria Kimble; (third row, l-r): Me, Burton Cole and Michelle McCorkle; (Bottom row, l-r): Laurie Germaine, Candice Yamnitz and Sharon Rene, They’re an incredible group of talented writers devoted to serving Jesus. I encourage you to visit them online.
#storytellersquad #ACFW #amwriting #yalit #yafiction